

New Diaspora Politics in Serbia and Croatia

Updated version
Which direction? Diaspora politics in Serbia and Croatia

The issue of defining the rights of those in diaspora is (again) under discussion in Croatia and Serbia.

States are expected to be responsible for the well-being of the citizens on a variety of levels, even when they are outside the borders of the state e.g. if they have problems when visiting another country.

What it did not say: Secession after the ICJ's opinion on Kosovo

Gëzim Krasniqi
ICJ building

A summary of the legal and political debates on the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Kosovo

The much-anticipated opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legality of Kosovo’s declaration of independence (DoI) caught many by surprise for its clear answer, yet it failed to declare itself on essential issues such as Kosovo’s right to statehood as well as the right of its peo

Montenegro and Serbia: squinting at dual citizenship

squinting at dual citizenship

Citizenship struggles in Montenegro and between Montenegro and Serbia continue.

When Serbia and Montenegro met in October 2008 to discuss the issue of dual citizenship, both parties were confident that an agreement would be reached by the end of the month. Two and half years later, the issue is still unresolved.

Imagining the nation in Serbia

Jelena Vasiljević
Graffitis in Belgrade

The changing citizenship regimes in Serbia illustrate the ways in which various narratives of nationhood run parallel to political changes, at times reinforcing them, at times creating obstacles for their implementation, but nevertheless providing a means by which they may be interpreted.

This is an extended summary of a longer paper that was originally published in the CITSEE Working Paper Series and is available for download here.

Escaping the Balkans? After visa liberalisation

A reflection of stop sign; a photo by Alf Thomas

The rise in asylum seekers following visa liberalisation in the Western Balkans.

The EU accession process has brought a variety of changes to citizens of the Western Balkans, perhaps the greatest of which has been the easing of visa restrictions.



Country Report by Nenad Rava



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